Tips for Selling to Appeal to the 3 Different Parts of the Brain

People have three different parts of the brain that play a role in the decision-making process.

Appealing to all three different portions of the brain during your selling process should be the ultimate goal.

Sales professionals should deliver their message in a way that educates customers. What you say, when you say it, and how you say it, are all important when communicating.

In other words, putting the right emphasis on what it is you’re saying.

When done correctly, the message will be so compelling to the buyer, that they won’t feel like they’re being pitched to. Instead, they’ll feel like they’re actually learning.

Logic, emotion and contrast are the three buttons that need to be pushed to make a difference in your buyer’s decision-making process.


While selling, reference a third party when possible. Use them as a valuable source and elevate the buyer’s intelligence.

Use market intelligence that matters to the buyer to ignite the part of their brain that realizes they need your product or service based on the intelligence provided.

Make a strong business case for change.


Make the buyer see and feel what you’ve seen and felt.

Work in your stories. How have you helped other individuals in their same situation?

Remember, appealing to someone’s emotions is going to be completely situational. You must read your audience first.

Trigger the emotional part of the brain with vivid customer stories. Stories can activate the region of the brain that processes sights, sounds, tastes, and movement.

According to New Velocity’s leadership coach, Chris Daltorio, “People take action to avoid pain, fear, and uncertainty at a much more rapid pace than to seek pleasure alone.”

Don’t be afraid of expanding your comfort zone and also getting your buyers outside of their comfort zones.

Nudge them!

Make a strong case for why they should personally want to change.


Did you provide enough contrast, so that your buyer can see the before and after of a scenario?

Contrasts of real life decisions must be shown to the buyer. If you want to influence how a customer feels about your product or service, provide a clear picture of with and without, and before and after.

During the buyers decision-making process, be sure to activate the three different parts of the buyer’s brain. Try and appeal to each during your conversations and while telling valuable, related stories.

Take a look at our Professor vs. Politician course to learn more about how you can bring value to your customers.